This is a game that in my opinion doesnt quite fail to live up to the hype, but at the same time it doesnt exactly "change the way we play games". The single-player is a good experience, but it isnt the Great experience that COD4 was, I didnt feel the rush I felt when going through COD4, although it did have its moments, in particular, the chase scenarios ie: snowmobile. The multiplayer, as good as it is, technically can be experienced by anyone who doesnt have the game by playing COD4 or World at War, by that i mean the shooting, aiming, and all the core gameplay is the same. However what makes the game standout is the expanded perks, killstreak rewards, as well as the emblem & tag system, things like that made the experience feel very fresh. My only issue with the online was when their party system was non-existent the first few days, as well as some spotty hit detection, ive watched many of my death videos & was left wondering exactly how was i killed. All in all its a great game, I enjoyed it very much, & one thing i recommend giving a try is the 3rd person perspective. If you've hate first person shooters but love a game like Uncharted 2, then this mode just may give you a reason to pick up the game.
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