Just your typical first person shooter...nothing more

User Rating: 4.5 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 PS3
So the hype of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 was just in that...nothing but hype. Just like the last Modern Warfare game, the biggest letdown was the incredibly short campaign which can be beaten in about five hours or less. I think this is becoming sort of a staple in games of this genre as of late. It's like Activision told Infinity Ward, "duh, we want you to spend 70% of the game on the graphics because people love shiny beautiful graphics, then we want you to spend 25% on the multiplayer because that's always awesome, and as for the other 5%, uh...just make up some kind of story for that since no one really plays games alone anymore...nothing too long though." C'mon Activision. Cosmetic makeup and social aspects aren't going to save your butts all the time. Us solo gamers need something enticing too, you know.

Bottom line, if you want to spend your money on this game, that's your choice. For the fellow solo gamer, however, don't bother wasting your hard earned money. You'll only be disappointed by yet another typical first person shooter.