Being similar is not bad at all
The games storyline picks up for where we stopped from the last version of the game. It is not too much where is new guy cannot understand what is going on but it is just enough to keep the old user interested.
Story is really fast action story with great turns on the story in the middle, have lot of suppresses in the story stored for you. I really like where user is part of the story itself (you also got your part to play).not like you're watching a video on what's going on but it is animated where the user also has to play a part to play to be succeeded. That is what is so great about this game.
Graphics are done really well…you almost feel this is real. Gun details and great, also the map details are really good. Most of all the explosions are really cool. The environment details are so fine it is really worth the money.
Well after finishing the game you will feel you need more levels … hi hi but don't worry it has enough levels ,, well, when the game is this good you will feel and you will wish it had more levels. All levels are really good. The best one for me was brazil level
Difficulty was just right for the game, I believe normal level difficulty has just enough juse to keep you on your toes,
I really like targeting in the game, the way you get the target on the guns. Covering up when your being shot at. You get to Run Run on this game for your life and behind bad guys and though enemy fire .. really cool experience, jumping thought cliffs and laying on thick undergrowth where you enemies cannot see and taking them done was a really good Experience
The game is worth for your money. Even tho it is similar to the first one there is nothing wrong with it. as I say being similar is nothing wrong, as long as you can deliver the same experience .
This was a really great game….