The Online Rules Modern Warfare 2!

User Rating: 10 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 X360
So the campaign in Modern Warfare 2 begins a few years after the events of the original modern warfare, and you wont really miss much if you didn't play the first one. You'll only really be confused about who three of the characters are. Anyway the campaign is packed with action. Its a guaranteed adrenaline ride, especially if your doing it on veteran.Only down side is the short campaign can be passed relatively fast.

-Special Ops-
WOO HOO this is where i think modern warfare 2 shines, the greatly implemented multiplayer mode is a blast. Alone its pretty much mission after mission. Playing it with a friend is so much more fun you'll die at the hands of juggernauts so many times you'll be laughing so much. Plus there is a great variety of missions. So if you have a friend to play it with GET GOING!

Modern Warfare 2 greatly improved the multiplayer we all knew and loved in COD4. It added a whopping 12 kill-streaks as well as an upgrade to the airstike (now you can choose which direction it goes) they even added the cool AC-130, a strengthened helicopter, and even a NUKE (that's right i said nuke). Various perks were added to this game but they also returned some as well as scrapped some of the old ones. Plus there's the implement of a death-streak where if you die a certain number of times in a row without killing anyone, you'll be set up with one of these. But don't worry these don't give the losers a great advantage so the games still balanced. Oh yea and of course new guns like the 3-round burst FAMAS, the Vector, and a cool looking riot shield which can help out your team a lot if used right. They even introduced the addition of sidearms, but not as those dinky pistols in the original how about equipping a shot gun or an RPG-7 instead of a pistol. That's right you can pick between a Desert Eagle Pistol, a Model 1887 shotgun, A Glock 18 machine pistol, or and RPG-7 as a sidearm; cool, am i right?

The Overall aspect of Modern Warfare 2 is that if you have a connection to the internet i strongly recommend buying this game solely for the multiplayer, but if you have no internet connection but have a few friends to play spec-ops with go on buy the game spec-ops is alone worth buying it for just as well. But if you solely want this game for the campaign i say turn away sure its fun but the campaign gets boring fast.

-My Score-
Overall Score=9.5
well there's my review for modern warfare 2 and also if your an achievement hoarder its important to know that all the achievements can be acquired through campaign and spec-ops modes so there's no online achievements!, but Spec-ops gets a lot harder by yourself.