Modern Warfare 2 really does show that Less can be More.

User Rating: 9 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 X360
As a gamer I am drawn more towards story mode rather than multiplayer. Some of you readers may ask, so why the heck did you buy Modern Warfare 2? To answer that question I have enjoyed the Call of Duty franchise and I like playing FPS games so it made sense.
Modern Warefare 2 takes place 5 years after the first game. After taking out the big bad wolf from the first Modern Warefare, your deed was rewarded by having a bigger wolf by the name of Vladimir Makarov take his place. Makarov was responsible for slaughtering civilians at a Russian airport, which he then managed to blame the US for. You switch off between the US Army Rangers and Task Force 141 to gather intel on Makarov and to defend the US from a Russian invasion.
When I learned that the campaign in MW2 was about 6 hours long I was quite upset. I knew that the multiplayer had always been solid for Call of Duty, but I was hoping that the story would be epic. I thought the people at Infinity Ward was just putting all their effort into multiplayer. I was 100% wrong. It was wrong to assume that the campaign was going to be bad because it was short. In fact I would have not have had it any longer than it was. There were so many intense moments in the campaign and everything felt fresh. I would have rather had a short campaign but have a constant exhilarating experience than a game that was drawn out too long and became stale. I don't want to spoil anything but the Brazil level was probably one of the most intense moments I've had in a game in awhile, beside having melt downs making decision in Dragon Age lol.
The biggest problem that I had with the campaign was the Airport level. I thought this could have been a great way for Infinity Ward to really give people a dark understanding of how grim the world can be, but instead it was just mindless, and uncreative killing. There should have been a way to help the civilians or do something, anything, rather then be forced to either watch civilians die or par take in the massacre.
My views on multiplayer should not come as a surprise. It is addictive. And the new Special Ops campaign is a whole bunch of fun to play through with your friend. It is challenging and while the levels are similar to those of story mode it still feels new.