Very good game. May live up to the hype, and standards of the old Call of Duty games.
Single player
Short, but sweet. Good story, though very confusing at times. Twist were very good, and unexpected. 8/10
Spec Ops
Very good. Basically short missions you can play with your friends. Lots of variety to keep you going. Though, some can be rather annoying. 9/10
Amazing. Lots of new guns, though it feels like when you unlock another gun, it is very similar to another you previously unlocked, such as an increased fire rate, but less accurate. Good maps, well designed, though some feel as if they go from open areas with no cover, to tight areas with much corners. Overall maps are very good and have much variety. The perks are balanced and fair. With the new pro versions it now awards continual use of a perk. Though, i feel as if some of the pro versions add little to nothing to the gameplay. The new killstreaks are very nice touch. Though i feel this, along with the maps and perks, promotes "camping", as players will stay in one area to rack up kills to use the new killstreaks and get the pro versions of perks. Gameplay is balanced and fair, though i feel as it does not promote teamwork as most gametypes are focused on kills rather than objectives. True, there are gametypes where you have objectives, though it becomes much easier to kill the enemy than to complete the objectives. Though with its setbacks, still a good multiplayer experience. 8/10