A good game, but, it's still just the same old Call of Duty under all that hype and over-the-top aciton.
-Campaign mode-
I was expecting to be blown away like I was with Call of Duty 4, but I was instead overwhelmed by the same style of gameplay I had experienced many a time. But the thing that really peeves me is the over-the-top action movie style action. It really doesn't feel like 'modern warfare', more like a James Bond movie. The campaign is short, lacks plot structure, and is repetitive.
-Spec Ops mode-
Spec Ops mode is an interesting cooperative game mode. Although, it has much more potential than the work that was put into it. Sadly, Spec Ops mode does not have very much replay-value, as the only time I ever found myself playing it was to go for achievements. I'm afraid that once those achievements are all gotten, it may not be worth playing.
-Multiplayer mode-
Definitely the high point of this game, as it was expected to be. As dull and uninteresting as the combat may be, the real success comes from it's addictiveness. The customization is more in-depth, but it seems that instead of recreating something new, the old system has just been added on to.
Some things have been changed for the better, such as Martyrdom being a deathstreak perk, Juggernaut being removed, and Frag x 3 being removed. Other things have changed (or stayed the same) for the worse, such as the M16 still being overpowered, some of the best weapons being unlocked at low ranks, and the knife melee being overused due to the Commando perk.
Modern Warfare 2 may be the most unrealistic of the series. Highly unlikely combat scenarios and warfare inaccuracies plague the game. Things like throwing knives, dual-wielding, unrealistic-sounding weapons, and odd firearms for the modern battlefield (.44 magnum, WA2000, G18, Model 1887, Ranger shotgun, just to name a few). When things like this are abound, it's not uncommon to see a US Army Ranger leap into a window after jumping from a ladder and fire dual Glocks at a Spetsnaz soldier who is desperately firing from the waist at him with his blue-camoflauged M107 .50 cal, whilst another Army Ranger throws a knife from 80 yards to kill the enemy. The Ranger then waits a few seconds for his gaping wound to heal perfectly. All of this happens on a skyscraper rooftop.
This game is plagued by unrealism, gameplay flaws, and repetition, and still manages to be worth playing. I will give it that.