Most hyped, highest selling game of all time; is it worth it?
As for the campaign, yes it's short; it's something like 4-5 hours of play. But, I have put nearly 20 hours into it's completion. This includes beating it on Hardcore (my first playthrough), once on recruit to grab any remaining intel and trophies, and a final completion on Veteran. The story, though a little convoluted, is Epic and the graphics blew me away.
Multiplayer was intended to be, and is, the focus of the title and it succeeds in that. Leveling up and unlocking will prove to be the focus of many a gamer for the next few months. I felt that the maps were perfect and the modes are more addicting than i thought possible.
Again, spec ops is the coolest aspect of this game. It ramps the campaigns veteran difficulty up a few more notches and is quite possibly the most fun experience in a shooter i've experienced lately.
Sadly, there are downsides. I have had issues with maps in a playlist being chose 2, 3, even 4 times in one game lobby. Rust, for example, is a map that I played for the first time a month after buying the game. I didn't even know the map existed. Map issues aside, the lobbies are laggy and freeze too often for my liking.