Not Perfect But Sets A New Standerd For FPS

User Rating: 9.5 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 X360
Are you thinking about getting Modern Warfare 2? Well hopefully this article will help make up your mind. I am going to state right now that even if you didn't like the first Modern Warfare you could very well like this one so keep an open mind! This new and up dated version has all kinds of new features and weapons. First I will start on the new features. There is a new feature called equipment which can be used in place of frag grenades that feature some cool new stuff like the tactical insert which when laid down you respawn at the exact spot where that sits. Now these are not a completely invincible piece of work because if you see one of these lying around and it is one from the opposite team you can shoot it and destroy it. Another new feature is killstreaks, sounds familiar right?, well don't be fooled they have a complete new killstreak system where you can go all the way up to 25 kills and get a nuke that kills everybody and ends the game and your team (or you) wins! These kill streaks have to be unlocked as you gain levels and progress throughout the game. There are many other new features such as titles and emblems but I do not want to turn this article into a spoiler. There are tons of new weapons but I do not want to go into to much depth for the sake of the shortness of the article but allow me to say that they are awesome. Graphics wise you really do not see much improvement other then when somebody calls in a UAV you can actually shoot down the predator up in the sky with the help of a few of the new weapons! Along with other killstreak awards which you can stop and shoot down in mid-air! All in all I give this game a 9.5 out of ten and I highly suggest buying it or at least renting it unless you are completely against or hate modern warfare games!