An over-rated follow up that's all guns and brawn, but no brain.

User Rating: 6 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 PC
Got this game as a present for xmas but only got around to playing it this week.

It plays pretty similarly to the previous installment , but with this version its the gameplay which lacks any real focus or depth.

This game is just all about gunning people down and then running to an evac point. This may be the way the army really does work in real life, but in a video game, what should be important, is the way the user interacts with the game and vice versa.

For example, what really annoyed me most in this game was the amount of enemy fire you come under. its absolutely relentless at times !

and add in the fact that commands / orders are being thrown left, right and center at you from surrounding marines / officers while these fire fights are going on is just plain dis-orientating.
its like " wtf is going on ? where did he say to run / shoot / take cover ?? BANG , your dead. "

also, another thing which grinds my gears , is the enemy locations ( some foe's are just dug in so deep, all that would get them out is a shovel, not a gun ) and also their attire. i found it very hard at times to make out and distinguish the enemies from the friendlies. be that civilians in the ghetto's or even my own crew / marines.

Last couple of major flaws is the amount of playing time you spend on the game. on average, i was getting mauled every 5 minutes, which led me to save and quit the game regularly. at most, i'd say ive spent a full hour playing this game at any sitting and then just quitting it,as it gets really tedious.

final flaw for me would be whole control / action layout for the pc.
like really, how many friggin buttons do i need in a game ??
eg - i need to assign a button to each grenade throwing option, i have to assign a button for melee , weapon zoom , inventory , prone etc etc.

for the love of god, all the software crew at id just need to go back to basics and add all weapons to the scroll wheel , including any and all grenades.
eg - use the counter strike method of throwing nades and flashes. its simple and effective.

so to end my review, i'd say hold out on buying this game for now and wait untill its dropped in price a bit.

this game gets a bad 6 out of 10 from me.

( my review covers only the single player campaign , as all game reviews should. remember, a game's score should be based on the story mode / original game that a company is trying to sell you. the like of multiplayer is only a bonus in my eyes. )