the good graphic and gameplay the bad weak story and spc-ops.

User Rating: 6.5 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 PS3
ok call of duty modern warfare 2 is very fanciy, but it bad side really bring it down alot.
The camping is very short, the action is intense but the story was totally bad. like why would russia invade U.S? the reason are amrcian kill russian civllian in a russian airport? (like that would happen in a million years) it just not enough reason to go to war with united states for the russians. Feel like they just make up some reason to carry the fight in to U.S.!
the gameplay is the old fashing call of duty style excpet for some new gun and that is it. but that was accpetable.
the garphic are very nice the sound effect are very nice too. you can almost feel the impact and the explostion around you. the visual effect are just amazing!
the muiltiplay have spc-ops mod and a stander call of duty serius muiltiplayer mod. The spc-ops are no where near the fun as the Nazi Zombies on World at War (it haven't much replay value), you can only invite your friends to play, there is no public game to host or join for spc-ops mode.(make you really hard to make new friend since you don't really co-op in the other muitilplay mod.) the other muitiplayer mode is just regular compittive game like Team death meach or something like that .but it is still pretty fun compare to the spc-ops mode.
So the only good part about this game is it's graphic and sound.
the bad are the camping story and the spc-ops mode, and it really bring down the score!