Very disappointing, multiplayer is total failure. Do not waste your money on this.
User Rating: 3 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 PC
Single player has good graphics, some nice action scenes and special effects, but it gets boring and repetative after few missions. Other single players of COD series were much better. Multiplayer is a total failure. You constantly get messages like: "unable to connect, could not find host, abort migration, game lobby closed" and stuff like that. It's really annoying. In game you got high ping, and again, connection failure. And more, there are bunch of stupid things. Perks are awful (commando for example - which kills an enemy from 20 meters, not realistic), snipers are really bad etc. All that things makes this game "A game for noobs". Very disappointing, Infinity Ward ruined COD series, and I hope that there will be no Modern Warfare 3. But, now there's no way going back, they messed up and I think that the future COD titles will be bad as this. Really.