Wait for bargain bin day.
1. A Masterpiece - The campaign is extremely short. You will finish it in a full days play. The extra difficulty settings will take you a few hours more, or have you launching your controller through a window.
2. A highly intensive experience - Ghost Recon guys be warned: You cannot create, fashion, edit, tweak or customise your campaign player in any way, shape or form. You start a mission with your guy, you get what the mission gives you. That's it. You can pick up enemy weapons. Woopy doo, they're on par with yours.
3. Multiplayer Inclusive. - What do I mean by this? If your internet connection speed is not ADSL2+ then prepare yourself for alot of laggy heartbreak. There are no dedicated servers for the biggest FPS shorter on a console. Yes, the mind boggles. I got an ADSL 2 connection after my regular ADSL connection had me getting owned not by skill, but by lag. However if a faster connection isn't in your budget or even available in your area you will get owned, you will rage.
4. As good as the hype says. - You are not missing anything if you skip MW2. It's a decent game, the campaign was fun. The graphics are good and the sound is sharp. The level up aspect, tweaking and class creation should have been included in the campaign instead of just multiplayer. It's purely made for mulitplayer, it's an arcade game. MW2 not worth full retail price. Wait for bargain bin day or rent it for a few days from the local video store.