Full of errors, wasted 50 Euros.
With these 50 Euros, I could have bought Bioshock 2 or Bad Company 2 which is an awesome game that mw2 will never be close to.
Getting just an error is not bad. Getting 7 errors in a row is wasting pwnage time. I will never play any of Infinity Crap (or something) or Activion's game again, they prooved that they are unable to design a working game. I regret buying some Activision games for my XBOX, 2 of which do not longer exist because I don't want to hear that name again.
I hardly recommend you don't buy this game, It is the worst product I have bought throughout all my life.
And yeah, steam sucks, cod4 multiplayer was far, far better. I can't believe how I was exploited like that.
The designers are just over estimated idiots.