Candy coated POS
Story. Story takes off a while after COD 4. Like COD 4 you play as an American and a British soldier. Though rather short considering I completed the single player campaign in 6 hours on normal
Graphics. graphics are good epically with character and gun models. environments can get a little bland at times.
Sound. Great, no complaints here
Gameplay. The controls are extremely easy people may say this is a good thing but this is one of the problems.
Multiplayer. The absolute worst thing about this game. IW really screwed up here. I would rather play timeshift multiplayer then this. Its heavily broken.
don't buy the hype. This game is overrated, broken and unfair Download the BFBC 2 demo Play killzone 2 or just go back to COD 4 because juggernaut is nothing compared to half the Sh!t in MW2