Infinity Ward sticks with modern warfare and a fantastic idea indeed
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is one of the best sequels ever made. Modern Warfare 2 takes place 5 years after the events of the first game and a new terrorist wants to basically put the world into total war and chaos. You control U.S. soldiers that fight basically all over the world and fight with new and improved weapons. The enemy AI is strong, the ally soldiers are great and the missions are just so much fun this campaign will fly by. The graphics are perfect. Stellar looks and backgrounds make this one of the best looking games this year. The story mode in Modern Warfare 2 is a little shorter than Call of Duty 4's. It will probably take you around five hours to beat on regular difficulty. An extra two hours if playing on veteran. Still the campaign is so intense it makes it one of the best shooter stories in history.
After you beat the campaign, Infinity Ward has given you co-op that COD4 lacked. This is called Spec-Ops. You and one other friend can do different mission objectives basically killing everyone or getting from point A to B. It might seem repetitive but the areas and challenges change and get harder as you unlock new ones. One might be a stealthy mission or one person is up in the AC130 raining terror onto the ground trying to help your friend on the ground. It's fun and entertaining . . . but nothing can stop the third part of Modern Warfare 2.
If I had to explain Modern Warfare 2's multiplayer in one word it would be "Perfect". Call of Duty 4's multiplayer was so addicting and intense but Modern Warfare 2 makes it look like trash. You get a lot more guns, perks, grenades, camouflages, attachments and killstreaks to make it look like war. Infinity War decided to change the primary and secondary weapons. In COD4, you could hold any gun as your primary and your secondary would be a pistol with a choice of a silencer. In Modern Warfare 2, you get to choose your primary and then your secondary could be a rocket launcher, shotgun, automatic pistol or a handgun. This was a brilliant move. The perks can also be changed and become "Pro" and can give you specials. Some allow you to run as long as you want or allow you to put on two attachments on your weapons instead of one which COD4 did. Infinity Ward also disabled the xbox live chat on some of the game types so no cheating could be involved. This was great and instead of ending the game when the host leaves, the game chooses another one and allows the game to continue. This game also comes with a lot of maps and snipers now have silencer which is great to be . . . . in a secret place for a long time. Modern Warfare 2's multiplayer is without doubt the most fun I have ever had and couldn't stop playing when I first got this game.
The Hardened Edition comes with a steel book, an art book and a code to download Call of Duty Classic which is worth the extra $20. $80 dollars for this edition.
OVERALL: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is magical. The story is great even though it is short and your allies can get in the way sometimes. Spec-Ops is entertaining and online play is THE best multiplayer I have seen since . . . . COD4. At the end of the campaign, its a cliff hanger so we can be pretty sure that there WILL be a Modern Warfare 3. This is definitely nominated for Game of the Year and it is a definate buy for any 360, PS3 or PC owner. This is a HUGE recommendation for any lover of shooters or looking for a fantastic or close to perfect game.