A really good campaign with one annoying ending, and a multiplayer experience that an anyone can make

User Rating: 3 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 X360
Modern Warfare 2 is a rather disappointing game. Campaign was the best thing about the game and the only reason why i gave a 3 and not a 1. Realistically, i thought they would focus more on multiplayer, but I was wrong, or I was right, but they got lazy because they knew already that fans were going to buy it. Not worth $60 and definitely debatable for $20. Multiplayer was copied from Halo 3. Host migration and stuff, but it just messed the game up completely. Expect at least 2 host migrations within 30 minutes. In my opinion, WaW and the first Modern Warfare offers much more fun than this one. Spawning is just outright horrible. In some maps like Rust, where it is small and stuff i get it, but a huge map like Wasteland? C'mon! I spawn exactly where my enemy is looking and running towards. Only way to avoid would be a TI, but that's a waste of equipment. Campaign held more guns than Multiplayer itself. It would only take a few programming to actually put those guns in. The company even decided to "remake" the AK 47. Making it look completely different. Lag is enhanced as well as hacking being encouraged due to the fact, it takes them a month to fix one little bug or hack. One example, care package knifing glitch.... Don't even think that's fixed yet. Save yourself $50 and buy Modern Warfare 1, many have already switched, why haven't you?