Call of Duty Modern Warfare 1.9
No more than 5 months on store shelves and at least 15+ game breaking glitches and unbalanced weapons have been reported. For a game as high profiled as this was glitches and unbalanced weapons should be at a minimum.
As for the gameplay itself, it's the same FPS Call of Duty has offered us since CoD4. I'm not saying this is a bad thing, if nothing is broken why tinker with it and possibly break it.
Single player once again provides a story and reason to run around and shoot computer controlled AI for a few hours or minutes after you rage quit multiplayer from being killed by Akimbo model 1887's from across the map " QQ".
MW2 brings a third game mode option which I myself enjoyed quite a bit. Spec ops is specific missions or goals you need to finish in say a time limit or kill wave after wave of enemies.
Mainly the game delivers exactly what it was, new maps and guns for the multiplayer. Sure they could have released more dlc for COD4 but why not pump out more games with limited new content for 60$ a pop.