Modern warfare 2 was at first look a subpar game. But when i picked up a copy, u dont know how amazingly wrong i
so for all u haters out there reading this i will admit i didnt really like this game at first because i only played the demo and beleive me, i didnt really like the demo because of its linear gameplay, but now since i beat it seven times on veteran diffuculty, lets just say, I LOVE THIS GAME.
Modern warfare 2 is one of the most highly annticipated games in the wold but does it live up to its reputation? Thats what we will be covering throuout this reveiw.It has been really easy to write whats good so im going to start off with th bad. First off the game is very short and can be beaten in five to seven hours but on veteran diffuculty there will be 10 to 12 hours of gameplay. Still short, but alot more challenging and i love a challenge. Thats probobly the only bad thing about this game when you come to think about it, its alot better than modern warfare in my oppinion, that was a major issue i had in my head before i played it, i really wasnted it to be defferent than the first one during the gameplay. Now that i played it , i hardly remembered the first one until some of the seens that i wont mention due to spoilers.So the single player campaign is good but not great. It is not as long as i hoped and it gets kind of repetative but you will deffently have fun with it. Theres also a new co op mode called Spec Ops it is a split screen slash xbox live co op experience.You can still go rouge and do these challenges alone but it really shines when your with a buddy playing because of its co op makes it easier to kill a patrol without being alerted easier and to kill a riot sheild enemy easier. All though i liked Nazi Zombies better because of its base defense like gameplay, Spec Ops is still a bunch of fun to do.
On to the multiplayer. This is the best multiplayer in a game i have ever played in my lifetime. For example the ranking system and perks are back, the specials are back with a couple new ones including a tacticle nuke, and the excelent game modes are back. This is for sure the best of the call of duty it does it does live up to its reputation.