The N00b Guide for Modern Warfare 2
Ok, so story mode is not too hard and the action sequences kick ass. The best stage is the second, where you have to do ice climbing, stealth sabotage and ride a snowmobile! The following stage is the controversial terrorist attack, it may be disturbing to some, but not people used to play these kind of games. My other favorite stage is the one you have to storm a gulag to rescue a prisoner. The story makes little or no sense depending if you played the first game or not. The ride, however is sweet and most would finish it in about eight hours.
If story mode wasn't too tough for you, maybe you should take on Special Ops. This, in my belief, was designed for the hardcore FPS player, and not the n00b. It's very challenging, and much better if played with a partner (some stages even demand co-op play). Where are you going to meet a partner to play with you? Let's go to the meat of this game,
which is the online play. This is where you're going to spend hours and hours.
Online play has the basics you will find in many games like this: Deathmatches, building your character, upgrading your weapons, etc. Maps and gameplay are varied and fun. Now, to warn you, you will get upset getting killed a lot by people who know how to work the system. Most of the time, you will get killed by these three types of villains:
1- The N00b Tuber. This guy relies a lot on the grenade launcher attachment you can get on any assault rifle after just 10 kills. This attachment is ridiculously fast, accurate and powerful. I know many gamers who would be happy if a patch diminishes at least one of these three features. On the other hand, is an easy attachment to get, so is democratically damaging or beneficial for everyone.
2- The Camper. This guy gets in a relatively hidden corner where he can pick up people easily and sets a claymore trap just in case you're trying to stop him. He will kill you over and over again and use his killstreak to call air support right at a crucial moment of the match to take the win. Try to plan how to ambush this guy.
3- The Akimbo 1887er. Akimbo is an upgrade that enables you to carry one of the same weapon in each hand, as in most Asian action flicks. The Winchester 1887 is a weapon that carries a lot of punch. Combine the two and you have the quickest way to get a kill in this game. This guy is also normally a camper, so watch out.
One recommendation is to know how to play these guys. Also, if you faced off an enemy and you feel like you dumped half a magazine of bullets on him and he still killed you, check your connection. Sometimes the kill cam will show you shot late or not at all.
One thing I'm very disappointed at is how frustrating it is to be a sniper. Sniper rifles are slow and very difficult to operate. Also, there are a just a few good vantage points, and you can still get spotted easily.
So enjoy the game n00b. You'll have a blast.