Call of Duty Modern warfare 2 is a great game that will keep you coming back for more and more and more.

User Rating: 9 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 PS3
When i got this game on February 23rd...i was excited. I couldn't believe i finally got the game. I played the campaign and beat in a matter of six hours. Regardless of it's length, i really enjoyed playing this game. It was fun and full of action and suspense that kept me coming back for more. Regardless of the short campaign, there was another reason why i still play this game. The online.Although i am not an expert..i still enjoy playing the game. I really enjoy starting a party with my friends and having fun..I enjoy the vast amount of perks,weapons and other add-ons(titles,emblems) that you can use. If the campaign was a bit longer and they worked on the very few bugs this game had. This game would be a perfect game for me.If you still didn't buy the game, what are you waiting for? A game as great this should be in everybody's library. I hope you will enjoy as much as i did.