Some maps are perfect, others have potential, and then theres Vacant.
CARNAVAL- one of the biggest maps in MW 2 now, has tons and tons and TONS of hiding spots. Just little nooks and crannies everywhere that you can hide in or on. Basically if you see a place you can go there. Truly the most innovative map ever in a shooting game is truly my favourite in the entire map pack.
Map Score 10/10
FUEL- a great open and big scale map with little places to hide but very well done. Although when you play through something seems familiar. Like its been done before, but it hasn't. Overall a just great kinda map, nothing super special.
Map Score 9.5/10
TRAILER PARK- a good map that tried to be the new Salvage. Salvage is a great map but Trailer Park does not have that different feel. Overall a fun and exciting little map good for Search + Destroy but not totally new.
Map Score: 8/10
VACANT + STRIKE- simple... strike is a great map and I'm proud to add this to my collection of maps. Vacant... why Vacant. It really is not a good. Sorta good for Search + Destroy but nothing else. Strike is a really fun map to play on and is good for any mode. Vacant sucks
Vacant Map Score 6/10
Strike Map Score 10/10
O.K Lets do the math... just kidding everyone hates math, eh.
Overall Score: 8.7
What I'd Like To See:
-Snow and/or rain, yep I said it. Why not, I think it would bring a new feel to a map thats a little more interactive.
-Tall and multilevel maps, ones you would see in Uncharted 2. For example smaller but have 4 levels to add some height to the action.
Bring on Map Pack 3...