Single player campaign was exciting but short, Specs Ops is ok, and Multiplayer is unreal.
User Rating: 9 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 X360
I'm not going to pick apart the campaign. Everyone has played it and has their own take on it. I say its exciting, action packed but too short. Now on to Spec Ops. Great idea but not my thing. To me, it gets repetitive too fast. And now what the review is really about, the multiplayer. I must have put a week maybe 2 into CoD4. I played it for a very long time. So when this game came out I was praying that the mutliplayer would suffice my addiction to the first one. Well, let it be said that I am a very competitive person. When I play video games, that competitiveness comes out. I swear, yell and in many cases toss my controller. Now I've tried very hard not to. If anyone feels my pain then you know its very hard to in this multiplayer. Where a fraction of a second can be life or death, your internet connection is key. I don't mean too brag but I have the reation time of about .23 to .2 tenths of a second. To just let you know how fast that is, an NHL goaltender has a reaction time of .15. That's pretty friggen fast. So why do I go 25 and 11 or sometimes 24 and 24? Well I like to think thats because I have a wireless internet connection and a wireless controller. My connection takes my reaction time and basically makes me average to god awful. Where reaction time should win, A better internet connection is the victor. The Multiplayer is great. Addicting and well worth playing. If you are like me and get mad at rediculous happenings then its best to take breaks after a couple matches. You don't want to be paying 60 dollars for another controller every week. Or you can be a booster or game hacker and wreck the game. If you play it, I'll see you on it. I'll be the one yelling WTF! and thats BS. Buy it if you dont have it.