I love it, but in the same time, i hate it. Some things seem great, but they can ruin the game.
Single Player: Campaign mode, unfortunately is really short and sort of random. One second you're this soldier on a mission, and then you're another soldier on another mission. Overall it's not too bad, but it isn't the best either. A little disappointing.
Spec-Ops: Not much to say about it, but it's fun.
Multiplayer: This is what everyone's talking about, the multiplayer. As you'd expect from any first person shooter multiplayer, you can go online and compete against other people across the internet.
The multiplayer has a variety of guns to choose from, such as assault rifles, sub machine guns, sniper rifles, and etc.
Well, it seems that they have a large variety of guns to choose from, but in my opinion, all the guns seem the same when being used besides with the exception of the sniper rifles.
The attachments on each gun gives players their own style to play, and they're useful. But the only problem is the M203 grenade launcher, which allows you to launch a grenade a long distance and killing anyone caught in the explosion, it can get really annoying, which ruins the fun for many players.
Yes, the perks seem like a really good idea, and they are because it gives each person a different style to play. But some perks are just way too over-powered and used, such as stopping power, and commando.
The maps look nice, and the game has good graphics, but unfortunately these maps are too camper friendly. Camping isn't a big problem, but it starts to get really annoying when people abuse it, which makes it a big problem.
Killstreaks are a really good idea, but unfortunately, it ruins the game in a way. Some of these killstreaks are way too over-powered, which ruins the fun for a lot of the players such as the harrier strike at 7 kills and a controllable helicopter.
Despite all the criticisms and problems, I must say Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is a really good game, but not perfect.