Great campagian, but overhyped online play.

User Rating: 7 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 PS3
I Bought this game for online play, as most people did; and thats to be expected, considering thats what they go for in these games. When i sat down to play the campagin i found it fun and fufilling, but thats not what i was excited about. When i got to the important part, the online multiplayer i was expecting great smooth online play. I found myself wishing to get my money back within two months of owning it. At first, it was fun, just normal play like its previous installment. But when people started figuring out how to nuke boost, and excessevly camp, it killed the whole experience for me. The maps are made with too many spots deemed as "camp spots", there are too many people nuke boosting, ad too many hackers and tenth prestiege lobbies. I find the whole extra titles and emblems were cool at first but you end up being critized for them, and the creators even had to create a way to fix the problem with boosters with their recent downloadable content. It was simple over the top parts of the game that could have been avoided or changed to make online play better, but now, everyone you play with is in a corner or boosting, leaving me running around with noone to shoot.
I just wish they would have thought it theough more instead of throwing the game out as soon as possible to get their money faster.