Biggest letdown EVER!! Do not buy this game unless you enjoy being killed by campers over and over again.
User Rating: 3 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 X360
I bought modern warfare 2 the day it came out seeing as it had an average score of a 9/10, and instantly played the online. I mean that's really all anyone plays the game for anyway and wow was i outraged. I ended up selling the game sometime in January, 2010 and got $40 for it at a local game store. I was so glad, and yet i still rant about how broken it is- that's why i wrote this review. I was very good at COD4 and still think its the best shooter ever made, but even it had its flaws: bad servers, bad spawns, and several overpowered weapons (such as m16). In MW2, infinity ward could have easily perfected these minor flaws but instead they made the flaws much worse. Now in mw2 the online is nothing but broken, there is a major flaw at every level and it seems that even the most aggressive players (like myself) get reduced to corner camping. This game is literally a campers field day, it seems that the only way to have fun is by roasting marshmallows and making smores out of them! This is because the game is full of overpowered assault rifles and LMG's that make every other class pointless. For instance, In Cod4 the M16 was a very overpowered assault rifle. In mw2, even though its stats have been unaltered, it isn't unfair. Why? All the others are overpowered as well. Specifically, 7 out of the 9 assault rifles take no skill at all, seeing as they have no recoil, no sway while aiming down the sight, outstanding accuracy, and kill in 3-4 shots with stopping power. Not to mention shotguns are no longer primary weapons, but secondary's, which makes SMG's completely redundant. Also every single map in this game has too many places to camp and extreme bottleneck areas, so that teams have no choice but to sit in a room with shotguns and other unfair classes and kill kids over and over again. This is so prevalent that even the best maps in MW2 are worse than the worst maps in COD4. To deepen the problem, grenades are now so weak that you might as well throw a pebble at your enemies. Due to this, you can never kill campers in their camp sites, even when the grenades detonate five feet away from them. Also to encourage camping there are perks like scavenger and one man army that guarantee unlimited ammo and supplies. It is unbearable getting killed by claymores and grenade launchers over and over again because a kid can just loot your corpse and pick up more supplies with scavenger or just switch classes using one man army. Another fun thing in cod4 that has been completely changed in mw2 is killstreaks. They are so overpowered and campers love them. Anyone can easily camp a 7 kill streak, call in a harrier strike, annihilate the enemy team, call in chopper gunner, get a 25 kill streak, and call in a nuke, ending the game. The overpowered killstreaks encourage camping in this manner, as kids will do anything to get them, even sit in a room with shotguns and claymores, and wait for unfortunate victims to come along. HOW FUN!! Also everyone is so scared of these overpowered killstreaks that they will just sit inside a building and wait for them to go away. This is because they know that if they venture outside they will be obliterated by the helicopters blanketing the sky. Lastly, the spawns. They are so bad that enemies you just killed will spawn directly behind you and avenge themselves, or you will keep getting killed over and over again by campers and killstreaks before you can get inside a building. It is funny watching killcams which show you killing a kid, him respawning, and getting revenge. This game is so broken that unless you completely suck and don't mind getting killed over and over again by campers, or camping yourself, you will rage every game... guaranteed. Oh btw the game is now full of modders and glitchers, so i've heard, so GOOD LUCK! It is SUCH GARBAGE that if launched at the sun, it would engulf it. The only thing stopping me from giving it a 1/10 was the single player. Please agree with this review.... i know that if you have played this game you have encountered ALL of this at some level. Hopefully Black Ops will be an improvement, but i bet it won't be because treyarch like infinity ward, will more than likely only care about their money and make the game noob friendly.
Pros: none; play cod4.
Cons: I should have broken it but sold it instead.