This game is like a bad woman, you keep coming back to it and my goodness, it is like torturing yourself
Yes I am talking about the whole aspect of the AWESOME (=B) multiplayer experience:
the ridiculous campers who kill you when you run barely 10 ft forward into the heat
the frequent use of those aggravating grenade launchers or and missile launchers ( people were stupid enough to make a name for it, noobtubing...? really? )
blasting someone with a powerful shotgun but they cut your guts out instead when they are 20 ft away
the constant use of the silenced and overpowered UMP45
when the team backs out of the room when an AC130 or Chopper Gunner is summoned and leaves you hanging when you had a solid chance of winning
the constant profanity, screaming, ridiculous pre-teen nonsense
when you're on a roll and you're getting those killstreaks but there is always a sissy out there who backs out and the server needs to get a new host, closing the game room as you got the Harrier Strike
getting placed in a game room time after time where the odds are half-past impossible to gain victory...
I can probably come up with many more reasons, but all these thing are absolutely frustrating and absurd, the game is a huge injustice, this game is just a piece of S@#$T !!! The only time when this game is fun is when you play with a party of homiez and you"re doing work getting those consecutive wins, it is the only time when you are motivated to play again, but I just remembered this f@#!ing excuse of a game broke my good old, rusty $700 rip-off PS3 in the first place, so there is no curse in the English language, Spanish, French, Russian, Italian, Japanese, German, Portuguese, Israeli, Arabic, Gibberish, or Ancient tongue to describe this abomination that will start to eat away your patience and you become so obsessed to cursing and spitting on your headset at the other (a$$hole) players, you start loosing sight of the other badass games or things that actually matter. Play this game, SURE! Dont let the game control you, you control the game after all ;) well i guess im gonna go pick up my room, whats left of it atleast! :D