A historic game with a amazing multiplayer.
In the story mode you play 4 different characters. You play as a British SAS soldier and a American ranger, and you are in a war with the Russia. So that's pretty much it. The big part is the ending which i wont ruin for you. But the real star of the game is the multiplayer. You have SO MANY game types. Like team deathmatch, capture the flag, search and destroy, domination and so many more. You have dozens of guns and weapons, and some pretty good maps. Each one having a nice detailed environment. To make the game interesting they made create a class which lest a player create their own class. You chose your primary gun, your secondary weapon, your equipment, your perks ,all that stuff. You can also make your call sign and your emblem. You also can chose your kill streak. The biggest kill streak is the 25 kill streak. The TACTICAL NUKE!!! Which end will end the game. But their are so many downs to Modern Warfare 2. The first thing I should say is that if you don't have much experience with call of duty, you should get some cause in that game YOU WILL DIE A LOT and that can get frustrating if you play people who have been playing call of duty ever since it came out. Also all the guns are over powered and its to easy to die. The leader migration is a problem to. If the party leader leaves the whole game pauses and it takes out 5 and sometimes 10 minutes and even sometimes it does not work so you end up leaving the game. But that still should not take out all the fun of Modern Warfare 2. The last game mode in Modern Warfare is Special Ops which is a game mode where you and a buddy can go on missions based on missions in the story mode. You can play online and split screen.
Modern Warfare 2 is a great game with some issues. But with all the things Modern Warfare 2 gives you, you tend to forgive them and have a blast.