Good Game but its full of frustrating glitches!
a game i waited so much for it but it let me down so bad .
short campaign,Stupid story,Some nice missions,Stupid Perks&killstreaks ,Cool Spec ops And Good Acheivements were some of the things i saw in this game.
i played it on easy 1st time its so easy a baby can win it !it finishes in 3 hours!
i played it on veteran for acheivements it was so hard that i cant even describe it!
the AI is cheating like hell.
they shoot towards you before they see u and whenever they don't guess what?
the AI pissed me off more than anything in this game.
after that the juggernaut was frustrating in some spec ops levels like high explosives!
they shoot at u even when they dont know where you are.
and then the Helo from the oil rig level that doesnt die like other helos .
well i am waiting to see if Black ops has anything to say after this scandal!!!!!!!!!!