If you played the first Modern warfare then this might not be what you wanted from the second game.
Like i said the challenge is not really there beating modern warfare one on hardcore was really hard but on this game it just seems like you die faster, but the A.I is still dumb and will not take cover at all. You will most likely die maybe three or four times on one lever if that, but what makes this game so easy is the levers are so short. you can beat each lever in about 15 or 20 minutes it would not be so bad if there were alot more levers to do, but there are not that many.
Graphics are great and some of the levers are just amazing. It will make you wish the lever would last longer or stay in that region longer. The team you work with all looks amazing as well, for the most part there is a new team and all of them are super cool to work with.
Story is for the most part pretty good i won't give to much away cause you should go and get this game if you like FPS. The story takes you to alot of beautful locations in the world, one of the locations you go to is Brazil, it looks amazing. the locals are not so nice though! you will enjoy the main story for about 5 to 10 hours up until the ending the ending is just plain stupid and makes you angry with the creators of the game. I won't tell you why though.
Online is the best part of the hole game if it won't for this additon to the game then this game would be rated a score of 6/10 from me. But if you do enjoy playing online and fighting your friends then this is a great game for any fan of FPS.
story. 6/10
gameplay. 7/10
graphics. 8/10
singler player length. 4/10
online. 9/10
so all in all if your a big fan of FPS this is for you if not then i would hold back on this game. If story is a big factor for gaming for you i would also hold back on this game. I hope this helps you choice on this game.