Updated Review 10/30/10

User Rating: 9 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 X360
When I reviewed this game for the first time I had only played it for a couple weeks and didn't expect all the problems that would come in the future so now with a lot more play time Im going to do to this game justice.Overall This game is still pretty good and I have no problem with the campain or spec ops mode but with all that has happened with the game's multiplayer, the hacked lobbies, modded tenths, and all the noobiness that the game has created, the multiplayer deserves a second look.

Now before the game came out everyone was really excited for the more in depth customization of killstreaks and weapons. No one expected how unbalanced some of these things would be. In MW2 every killstreak above 6 is a little too powerful. The Harrier Strike, Pave Low, AC130, Chopper Gunner, and Tactical Nuke are the ones that really should either be limited or taken out completely just because of how unfair they make the game. One second your team could be winning and some kid gets an AC130 from his care package and just absolutely dominates you and your team or even worse ends the game with a nuke and even if your leading the game, once the nuke ends the game him and his team get the victory. I don't how many times this has happened to me and pissed me off to the point of shutting my xbox off. These kind of situations that MW2 has created don't make for a good time, but the it's not all bad. When a game isn't comepletely killstreak reliant its actually pretty fun and all the new weapons ad for some variety which was much needed since the past games.

Overall this game still gets a 9 out of 10 and Hopefully when Black Ops drops on 11-9-10 treyarch took the suggestions from the community and made the multiplayer a bit more fair.