Utterly Amazing!
As far as the Multiplayer part of this game goes its the best there is. Youll spend countless hours maxing out your guns and earning awards and leveing up. So far I believe I've logged 30 + days of multiplayer time and everytime I turn it of its completly as fun as the first time (even If I might be an average player ...comparably). I've been playing games ever since the Commodore 64 and Atari 2600 and I've never had a game with this kind of replayability and I've played the all..Trust Me. Now there might be better story line games like Zelda, Metal Gear Solid, Fabel, Breakdown, or some of the Resident Evil Series ( don't beat me up ...there was a lot to choose from) but just from a strict playability and replayability stand point this is the GREATEST game to have come out by far... Completly worth the $60.00 I paid for it and if they came out with a sequal as god as this I would definitly pay upwards of $100.00 for it. ( Not Black OPs thou...That game really sucks).
***Point is BUY THIS GAME!!!!!!