this game is actually she really cool it is worth playing trust me the missions are actually amazing

User Rating: 9 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 X360
This game is really cool but the only thing i hate about this game is the online people can be retarted as in hacking the game what is wrong with you people you just can't let anyone have fun it just make me mad how the way they do it just play the game right and have fun like seriously i played free for all and i couldn't even touch this baby girl because he was hacking the game and really gets me mad i just snap but if there was no hacking no babies out there then the game can be the best game in the world but only best thing about the game is the mission but don't get me wrong i love mw2 but i stop playing it a long time ago because people were just hacking the god damn game and getting people angry and just making other people just want to kill hackers STOP HACKING THE GAME GET A LIFE thank you for reading it