Worst Call of Duty game

User Rating: 5 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 PC
This is one of the most disappointing Call of Duty game ever created in the world.
First,I will begin with general things about the game then i will continue with special ops and multi-player.Anyway Call of Duty 4 still beats this game in every way but MW2 has still a better optimization than cod 4 and better graphics.

It has very good graphics and you can play it at very good details even on a low-end PC due to the good optimization of the engine.
You need to waste a lot of money to buy this game,around 49-59$,that's overpriced garbage because Activi$ion is crying for cash and they never care about PC gamers.
Spending your money on special editions is also a waste of money,only to get some childish toys.
DLC map packs (Stimulus and Resurgence) are very expensive,each map pack costs 14$ and most of the DLC maps suck (especially Carnival,Trailer Park,Fuel).In Call of Duty 4 map packs where free,trough the game patches.
Activi$ion wants to release even more call of duty games just to make cash,they don't care about how **** the game is,people venerate so much the call of duty series and they fill Activi$ions pocket with money.Those poor kids make Activi$ion even more rich.


The game begins with a short video,which is a recycled junk from call of duty 4 cut-scenes,this video is completely useless garbage because it's full of game credits and it has nothing to do with the game itself.
After the crap-video ends you play as private Joseph Allen during the first mission in the game called 'S.S.D.D'.In this mission you just fire like a retard at metal targets using a M4A1,nothing special,i expected more training with more weapons and targets.
After that you go in a mud pit to fire at metal targets again and that's it,you just become a U.S army ranger.
Then expect more short and ridiculous missions one after another.
Plot is very very cheap and you can't understand anything from this game because you play with a lot of factions and characters.
Campaign is very short,the game ends so soon,you just make 10 mission and the game ends.
Health regeneration is unrealistic,you just regenerate your wounds like Wolverine in the blink of an eye.A bullet hits you and then your screen gets filled with blood and your characters make 'uh'hah'ah'ha' and then your wounds are treated like nothing happened,no bandages/med-kits used.Any kind of wounds can be regenerated in this game, what the **** ?
You don't have a variety of weapons to choose,this game has only 30 weapons and that's it.This **** game should have over 100 weapons,more weapons = more diversity.
Launchers are terribly under-powered (low damage&blast radius) also the shotguns don't have enough range.Shotguns have only 15-20 meters range,that's ridiculous.
Weapon ballistics are very unrealistic in this game,shame for Robert Bowling (Infinity Ward programmer) because he was in the U.S army and he should a lot of things about weapons.


Special Ops is maybe the most entertaining feature in this game unlike the **** short and ridiculous campaign,not to mention the multi-player.
In spec ops you have a variety of missions to choose from,also you have different difficulties.
The only bad thing at spec ops is that missions should be longer,because they're very very short like the campaign missions.
Sometimes those enemies called "Juggernaut" can be a pain in the ass if you don't have a high caliber weapon like Barrett .50cal,Intervention,Desert Eagle.
Why special ops missions take place on the same maps as single-player,they should take place in new maps not the same **** SP maps.


Multi-player is maybe the worst thing in this game and i have a lot of things to say about this bloatware.
-HACKERS,they ruined this game to hell with their dirty hacks.5/6 matches have hackers,you don't stand any chance of wining the match against a cheater.
They can always see you trough the wall,the most annoying cheaters are those who use wall-hack and aimbot at the same time.I've got head-shoted trough walls a lot of times which is very very annoying.
Steam has an anti-cheat called VAC (valve anti cheat) but it's completely useless against those cheaters because they have undetectable hacks and a lot of un-ban methods.
If you ask the host to kick the cheaters,he doesn't even care about that and some of them don't even know the kick commands.
When you tell a hacking kid to stop cheating he doesn't even care about that because his brain is to damaged to understand something.
Hacking kids always ruined this game and they will keep doing that with any multi-player game because anti-cheat system are completely useless.
-CAMPERS,they are the 2nd most annoying enemies in this game (1nd being hackers).
Those noobs called 'campers' spend an entire match in a single place and they keep camping and again camping.It's so annoying because they always spam claymores using scavenger or one man army.Every match that i play i get killed by a camper,he stays inside a building and keeps waiting for someone to come.This game should have an anti-camper mod which temporarily bans them if they camp too much.
Campers make you throw the PC out out of the window,but the best solution is to stop playing this retarded game.
-IN-GAME CHAT,it's full of insults,hack accusations,pointless discussions,whining kids.
Everyone is always spamming the text-audio chat with their moronic crap.
-UNDERPOWERED WEAPONS,all weapons in this game are just terribly underpowered.I always get hitmarkers at snipers even if i have stopping power,all snipers have very low damage,only hitmarkers and again hitmarkers.
The most awful part is that you don't have enough ammo for weapons,all weapons in this game have very low damage and you should get more ammo for them.For example why you get only 40 bullets at snipers ? It's not enough because like i said before you will get a lot of hitmarkers and you burn trough ammo very fast.
AA-12 has a very low damage and very very low ammo,it's a completely useless shotgun because it has a big fire-rate and you run trough ammo like hell even with scavenger pro.
Weapons with low-damage should have more ammo.The M4A1 has very low damage and high fire rate,180 bullets ammo supply is not enough for such fast-firing weapon,not to mention the Vector.
All assault rifles,pistols,light-machine guns,machine pistols kill in 2 head-shots ! what the **** is wrong with this game ?
How can someone survive 2 head-shots without protection headgear ?
At close range when you try to kill someone with a low-damage weapon you always get knifed because you need to fire 4-5 bullets to kill the bastard.
Launchers have very low blast radius and damage,danger close is almost useless.When a RPG rocket hits a wall,the wall doesn't collapse,that's ridiculous,this game should have destructible environment .
Also C4,Frag have very low damage and blast radius,which is kinda ridiculous.
Shotguns have also only 12 meters range,what the f*** ? they should have over 20 meters range like model 1887 akimbo had before infinity gayward patched them due to complaining kids.
Akimbo shotguns are one of the most under-powered weapons in the call of duty series,they have only 2 meters range,that's ridiculous :(
Why use a shotgun if it has only 12 meters range ? why not use a stone instead ?
I don't want to talk anymore about under-powered weapons because it makes me cry and laugh about how **** this game is.
-OVERPOWERED AND UNDEPOWERED PERKS,the most overpowered perks in this game are Commando,Marathon,Cold blooded,One man army.
Commando is overpowered because a jerk can knife you 2 meters way with that little 'diver knife',it's very annoying because this game is full knife runners that run around the map with marathon,lightweight,commando and they knife everyone in their way.Knife runners are hard to kill because they're moving so fast and they always flank you from behind -.-
The pro version of Commando is even more weird,you can survive any fall damage (except fall out of the map like Highrise).How the f*** can you survive a fall from over 30 meters ? this perks is so weird and overpowered.
Marathon is overpowered because everyone that uses it has an advantage over you : he can run for a unlimited period of time !
How can someone run for a unlimited period of time ? Even an expert athlete can't run for an unlimited period of time.
Cold Blooded is annoying because noobs always use it it to destroy your killstreak !
It's so annoying when you make a chopper gunner and a noob comes with cold blooded and he destroys your killstreak !
One man army is overpowered because noobs use it to resupply their ammo for the noob-tube (Underbarrel grenade launcher).
How the f*** can an unlimited number of 40mm grenades fit inside of a such small OMA bag ? omg
-NOOBTUBERS,they ruin this game everyday with their weapons : underbarrel grenade launchers or launchers like Thumper.
They always use a class with one man army,danger close,commando (which is one of the most noobish classes ever created in this game).
You have no chance against them,they always tube you with their 'pro-pipes'
The only solution against them is to tube them back,those noobs make me so angry because i almost smashed my monitor against the wall O_o
-G-18 AKIMBO,one of the most noobish weapons in this game is also one of the most overused machine pistols in this game.Noobs always use G-18 with the atachment 'akimbo' which makes this gun so deadly at close range.
I get killed by G-18 AKIMBO 35% of the time and it freaks you out ! grrrrrrrr :(
Noobs with G-18 akimbo use a sprayer class like scanvenger pro,stopping power,steady aim.
-UMP45,which is the most overpowered guns ever created in this crap game.
Why infinity gay-ward patched model 1887 akimbo ? instead of patching the models they should patch UMP45 (to reduce damage and range).
UMP45 is highly overpowered and overused because of the damage and range that this freaking gun has.
Every match that i play,someone uses UMP45,they just run around the map like retards and shot everyone in their sight with this OP weapon.
You have no chance of killing someone with UMP45,especially if you don't use an UMP45 against him.
UMP45 has to much range for a SMG (sub machine gun),in this ridiculous game you can shot across the map with this OP gun.
It always kill in 3 hits even with or without stopping power,noobs always use it with a silencer ! how original for those brain-damaged kids
-UNDERPOWERED KILLSTREAKS,always when i make a harrier,atack helicopter,chopper gunner.......someone comes with stinger and cold blooded then baaaaamm,my hard earned killstreaks is down in the blink of an eye.
-FEW MAPS,this game doesn't have so many maps....you get bored very easy and most of the maps are small,they should be bigger !
-ERRORS like 'host migration','could not connect to host','serve connection timed out',host migration aborted','connection interrupted' and crap like that.

If you want to play this game,don't buy it,first rent and you will see how **** it can be.
Don't waste your mental health on playing this ridiculous game,instead of playing this bloatware go outside and take some fresh air.