Only one way to describe this game...

User Rating: 3.5 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 X360
This is the game that has been getting lots of applaud from everyone, being called a great game Gamespot gave it a 9 out of 10 even IGN gave it a ridiculously high rating but I can tell you right now with detail why this game isn't a great game isn't anywhere near perfect so shouldn't even step anywhere near that mark with reviews!

Lets go back a couple of years when CoD was actually interesting and was giving the fallen soldiers of WW2 a bit of a tribute and also teaching people a little thing or two about what gone on in that war then we go to CoD2 this is when it reaches a peak of brilliance it had everything right because remember a FPS game is about balance, team work, strategy and well actually shooting the gun that's in your hands (in the game) not activating a UAV radar to show everyones position that takes the whole point of a FPS game away!
Observation is the key element to being a good player on fps but what happens when you throw in radars here showing peoples positions on it?
It's effortless, no skill into looking at a radar every couple of seconds and me going on about this is exactly what is wrong with games like MW2, what they want to do is sell out throw all their real fans aside and make a game that basically equals to being so easy a person who has never played a fps game before could probably do well in it.

A good game will be challenging this is exactly what MW2 is not i.e. If you have predator missile, harrier and AC130/Chopper gunner as soon as you have got to 5kills in a row which to get 5 kills without dying is.... well pathetically easy considering hardly anyone thinks about what they are doing when playing MW2 all you have to do is get 5kills.... shoot the predator and most likely you get two kills from it then you have a harrier!!
And did you earn that harrier?
No you didn't because you shot the damn predator missile over two people who probably just spawned!!
So you do that and you end up getting the best killstreaks in the game effortlessly and well undeservingly.

This game is honestly a broken pile of trash, their is no way it deserves the plaudits that it gets, look out for another terrible biased review from Gamespot on MW3 because they are probably paid to give a review or are scared of getting sacked for speaking the truth cough Kanye and Lynch cough...