Shoot to kill; can 'em up! A great snack-sized single-player campaign.
User Rating: 8.5 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 PS3
This was a fun game to play. Great graphics and tight controls. And although I never expect much in the way of a decent storyline when comes to the MW series (or any war-themed game, for that matter) this time there was at least an effort at consistency with regard to the objectives and where the missions took place. I also know that these games are created for the online/multiplayer/cooperative play community. Online, multiplayer, cooperative play has never interested me, and though the single-player campaign in MW3 is short, it is good - fast paced and fun. I mainly play war games as an "inbetween". After playing longer, more involved games (i.e. RPGs) I enjoy playing a snack-sized game that doesn't require a whole lot of commitment or time. Once I'm done, I'm again ready to take on something with more substance. In all, this game delivers what was expected: good graphics, tight controls, and a whole lotta killing in a snack-sized portion. Sign me up for MW4.