Modern Warfare 3 delivers a chaotic campaign, thrilling survival mode and .. a dying multiplayer component.
The gameplay in Modern Warfare 3 was fun but it was 'been there, done that'. Obviously, it's Call of Duty but I really expect change every time Activision releases a game. Don't get me wrong, the gameplay is fine and occasionally can be fun but it gets old fast. From predictable button-pressing events (which I do like) to using the same techniques and strategies to get through levels. Veteran difficulty in Call of Duty; is now like playing Halo on heroic difficulty (easier to beat/play). I beat the game on veteran in an couple of hours, it felt like a rush job. That's the one of the things I criticize on Modern Warfare 3 is the lack of content. You have the campaign which you can spend a limited amount of hours in. Modern Warfare 3 continues where Modern Warfare 2 left off. *Spoiler alert: Soap is badly wounded from the final fight in an abandoned communications tower with General Shepherd and Captain Price. Soap is now awake, and finds himself being carried in a stretcher with Captain Price and Nikolai to the nearest medical station. When they arrive to their location, something disastrous happens with the Russian president; he gets kidnapped by the infamous Makarov. The plan is to get the launch codes for the nuclear missiles from the president and unleash them onto the world. Obviously, from here; things around the world break out and you'll be playing in a variety of countries and environments. France, Great Britain, United States, Germany. The environments look great and detailed. Especially from the new effects Infinity Ward has put in such as crumbling buildings, etc.
The multiplayer mode in Modern Warfare 3 is where things go wrong. Yes, for people who have never played Call of Duty; it will be fantastic and will be addicted for ages until they realize (like us) that it's getting boring and it's being way overused. I never really finding enjoyment during matches anymore, mainly because of the lost feeling of accomplishment. Call of Duty 2 managed to hold that feeling; as well as Modern Warfare: The Original. There are 16 maps in total shipped with the game, that are disappointingly small. They are meant for people who either noob-toob, no-scope or quick-scope. Fortunately, the 'fresh' new modes implemented into the game are quite entertaining with friends. You can now create your own matches and game modes. Infection has now been brought into Call of Duty as well, for those looking for an extreme challenge. The death-streaks NEED to leave because they don't really need to exist. Overall, I'm getting sick of Call of Duty's multiplayer. I just feel like deja vu most of the time, because I'm unlocking weapons that I have for 5-6 games now. The shipment of maps was impressive, but the fact that they are incredibly small and are frustrating for newcomers and veterans of Call of Duty alike.
The last 'fresh' new mode to talk about; and perhaps; the most anticipated is "survival mode". Basically, you and one other friend can play against an infinite amount of enemies (until you die). The 16 multiplayers maps are immediately brought into the game; giving variety but not as much entertainment; again, due to the miniscule size of maps. Along the way of surviving, you unlock cash and level up. The cash can be spent on a variety of different options.
1. Weapon Armory (Buy guns, upgrade guns)
2. Air Support Armory (Air strikes, riot-shield squads)
3. Equipment Armory (Buy perks, grenades, riot shields)
Every time you level up in Survival mode; you unlock more items that are better and more fun to play. Survival mode was a blast, especially with a friend. From the chaotic action to the addictive gameplay; it's all fun. Survival mode also implements 'difficulty maps' and 'boss waves'. Each of the sixteen maps are divided into four sub-groups, and depending on the difficulty, could provide a breeze or a challenge. The easier levels will send dogs and regular juggernauts after you. As harder levels will send claymore experts, riot-shield juggernauts and C4 dogs after you. This provided strategic entertainment and was fun to play...for a period of time. Yes, survival mode gets boring. In fact, unplayable. Once you've completely leveled up to the maximum (level 50) and bought everything, and gotten to the max amount of experience (in-game) there is NO more reason to play survival mode. It's hard to say, but it's true.
Overall, I had a decent 10-20 hours put into Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. However, I debate on spending $59.99 on it because it feels like a heavy rush job and needs more work. I hate the idea of Call of Duty: ELITE and find it ridiculous people pay for this service. They're only doing it for the early downloadable maps which then are charged 1200 Microsoft points ($14.99 cash) to the public. I'd recommend a rent on this game, but I do thing you'll enjoy it...for a couple of days.
My review for Modern Warfare 3 received a 8.0/10.