Only really play online so if thats all you want, read this review!
So onto online .. overall its a good game that some matches you do well in and some you stink and rage quit, if you haven't rage quit yet then be warned the time is coming !! The biggest problems the game has are 1. Server reliablilty .. it is so annoying to rack up a good KD only to be kicked by the server for it losing connection or the host leaving and the new host connecting with what i assume is dial-up as the lag renders the game useless! 2. Everyone is talking about it, the spawns. So many times do you spawn either into enemy fire or right under the path of a stealth bomber ! Yeah thanks server for detecting that and putting right there. The spawn points as normal do move around the maps as you and your team move but occasionally you are left on the wrong side of the map just yourself fighting to get back to your team.
Teams work by either just a random group of you or by creating a clan. An average team of 6 will consist of 4 players, 1 douchbag with a shotgun that just runs around like a sugar rush kid totally ignoring the objective and just generally annoying everyone and a sniper. Snipers are usually 12 years old and insist that they have to spin 360 degree's before firing hoping to get that kill cam finish. As you can imagine this doesn't happen and they die .. a lot !! Then squeal down the headset while their mum tells them to go to bed!
The game is defiantly worth a play if you haven't already, some parts are better than Black Ops and some are just well rubbish, levelling up is pretty easy both user and weapons so there is always something to keep you coming back!
Oh and don't accept random group invites as you may be deranked (google it)