Call of Duty MW 2.1
User Rating: 1 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 X360
I was going to display the title 'Call of Duty MW 2.5 but even that is inaccurate. Nothing is different just a few new killstreaks, different maps and same old gameplay. Honestly they could have put this content out on XBL for 1200 points and it would have been a ripoff still. I was going to display the title 'Call of Duty MW 2.5 but even that is inaccurate. Nothing is different just a few new killstreaks, different maps and same old gameplay. Honestly they could have put this content out on XBL for 1200 points and it would have been a ripoff still. I understand the old rule "if it aint broke don't fix it" but honestly when your driving around a new Model T I think it is time for an update just cause its new doesn't mean it is better and this is exactly what COD franchise is doing. HERE IS A HINT UPDATE YOUR GAME!