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User Rating: 1.5 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 X360
It's mw2, nothing has changed. Online is still snappy and fun, but why shouldn't it be? Honestly it seems like no time was spent improving gameplay, and all efforts were focused on rehashing mw2 into a new game. Campaign is very short, even on the hardest difficulty, and Overall, it just isn't worth paying 60 bucks for. I have played every Call of Duty game, and I still think that MW2 was it's peak. Black Ops was the same way. No graphical improvements have been made to the engine either. Sorry Call of Duty, unless you change the way your games play, next year's game will be in the 7's. The sad truth is, no improvements will be made. This game will sell great, and just like a transformers micheal bay film, reviews wont matter. People flock to these games, thinking they are worthy of being god's creation. Bias kept this game's review over an 8, and mindless player will continue to fund this stupidity