If u love call of duty and can play tht franchise for 10 years then get it

User Rating: 9 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 PS3
This Game wat can i say its like someone copied and paste the first one then made the second one added some stuff, after tht copied and paste the second one added some stuff made the 3rd one. Overall it was a copy and paste of automatic classic and creating it my favorite shooter of all time. The story mode is fun and a lil more challenging then the first 1. The graphics have slightly improved. The guns are pretty much the same i guess the great part is they braught bak the quick scoping from the first 1. I dont like battle field 3 and if some one does a right a bad review about this is probably a bf3 fan tht doesnt even own mw3. I played the first mw3 i fell in love wit it enough said. MW3 is juz a improved version of the second one wit different missions wat else can i say.

The trilogy in story wise is amazing i think they picturized the ww3 thing pretty well. i juz hope it really doesnt happen lol