Good but not perfect..
User Rating: 7 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 PC
All weapons sound the same..campaign is sick but too short.completed campaign in 4 hours after waiting over a needs to be better than that and it needs to be a bit more realistic..Multiplayer is fun and better than the rest of the series...but cod desperately needs a better looks kind of crappy..i mean we don't need ultra high directx 11 graphics just a little bit better looking scenes would add more wows to this game.. I've had more expectations from MW3 I don't want to say it was a let down because the campaign was so good i loved it but im not too happy it ending so quick and my favorite character died. COD is losing fans because they are not making big improvements. Why? because they know it's going to sell..but after this one if they don't bring something new and epic to the table...they will be forgotten quickly..far cry 3 looks epic looks better than both bf3 and cod...