This game feels more like a map pack for MW2 than a brand new game. It should be called MW2.5

User Rating: 1 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 X360
This game brings absolutely nothing new to the FPS genre. It is reusing the same graphics engine as MW, which is understandable as a new engine doesn't really make much sense in this current generation of consoles, but the gun handling and sound effects could use some updating. That however seem to be something they didn't think was necessary. The goal these days at IW is to pump out the next sequel as fast as possible to cash in. The guns still sound and handle like they did in MW, MW2, BO and now MW3.

This game doesn't have enough new changes to warrant a 59.99 price tag. They didn't even bother to change the font on the UI, it's almost a copy and paste job from MW2. IW put very little effort into this game and it shows, everything is recycled, the incredibly short, convoluted campaign which doesn't make much sense and instead settles for cheap thrills rather than decent story telling that this series was known for. The MP is just like every other COD before it, nothing really new has hcanged instead of some perks being reshuffled and slightly tweaked. Again, very few changes to make it worth 60 dollars.

In this economy, better stick with last year's CoD as you'll be having pretty much the same experience as if you were playing MW3. Except you'll have saved some money.