Love COD but this game is a step backwards for the franchise.
User Rating: 6.5 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 X360
I'm a COD vet. I'm a solid 3.50KD on Blackops and would consider myself a pretty good FPS player. All I can really say about MW3 is that its just not that fun. The addiction you felt when playing any of the previous installments is missing from this game big time. The maps are both visually unappealing and quite washed out. graphically this game is sub par, at least in the multi-player arena. The game just feels corny. I realize that realism is not something the COD franchise strives for and i don't expect that from this game. But there is absolutely NO believability to the map layouts. The high points (buildings etc.) and low points of each map are just so randomly dispersed that you don't feel like you're in an environment that is remotely human, let alone believable. I really don't know what they were thinking when laying out the design of these maps. Its hard to put a finger on to say what exactly is wrong with them, but trust me, you'll sense it too when you play MP. Each area of any particular part of the map has so many access and vantage points that when you multiply that over the entire map, it just feels corny. It feels like they really wanted to make this a fast paced, high intensity type MP experience. To me it feels more often like a giant ClusterSuck. it pains me to say this because I was really hoping this game would be great, because I love COD. I purchased Bf3 when it came out and decided to rent MW3 and then see which game I was yearning to play. BF3 is a good game and its a different kind of fun, but just purely from a product perspective, bf3 is a far superior product. but i digress, i'm not here to push a bf3 agenda, my only point in bringing it up it to say that there is nothing new to see in Mw3 and the fact that i'm not willing to purchase after i return the rental on Sunday tells me the COD series is now heading in the wrong direction.