Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is neither the hype from the press nor the backlash from the gamers.
Coming back to the popular argument, almost none of the people I asked could provide me a legitimate reason for disliking the game so strongly. When asked why they felt MW2 was bad, they responded with the likes of "akimbo shotguns" or "commando", or in the case of the PC version, the lack of dedicated servers. I consider none of those statements valid reason to suddenly drop your score for a game some 75 or so percent. Some people also said that it felt exactly the same as Call of Duty 4, which I would have to disagree on in this case.
Then came Black Ops, which I enjoyed. There was a creative campaign with a story and time period that was not commonly used in games, multiplayer that Treyarch had really tried to elevate above previous Call of Duty games, and all of that was balanced in a polished game. Then, once again, there was a strong backlash from the gaming community. And when I asked, "What is it this time?" most people responded with "graphics suck", and again with the familiar argument. While I do believe graphics don't make the game anyway, I still had to disagree. I felt the graphics were in a different style, but no less technically proficient than Modern Warfare 2's. But the familiar argument killed me. I was bringing up how the setting, the weapons, the style, and the feel were different, but people still seemed determined to find any aspects of the game that were similar to the previous games.
Modern Warfare 3 comes out, and I feel like I have to finally agree with the people I have been arguing with for the past 2 years or so. It is quite similar to Modern Warfare 2. There are many tweaks, most for the better, but it still has the same feel as the previous game in this particular serious. However, I still feel like I have to disagree with many of the scores given for this. Really? A 1 out of 10 for being the similar to other Call of Duty games? Have you completely forgotten the completely solid game you have been playing, the one with a perfected formula and incredible production values yielding the overall blockbuster presentation? The one with some of the most balanced and versatile multiplayer ever offered in a game?
If it weren't for this extreme familiarity, I would have probably given this a game at least a 9/10, especially for the PC support compared to MW2.