not better than black ops but waaaaaay better than mw2.
the yearly first person shooter is back, but it it better than last years step up for the franchise, call of duty black ops? in short answer form, NO, but is it a good mulitplayer? not really but way ahead of modern warfare 2. watching the game videos of people playing this online made me know there was gonna be a crap load of camping, which there is, even more than in mw2. but what i like about what infinity ward did this time is that yes they have tons more camping spots but the maps are so cramped that it becomes harder for the person behind cover to get kills, unlike in modern warfare 2 where there would be cover and u would be forced to run in open area in front of that person waiting for you. not this time, you have a better shot of gettin behind cover and killing that camper. the one thing ive also noticed is......NOT AS MANY NOOB TUBERS! i dont why this is, whether its not as strong but i have barely seen any noob tubers and i am already lvl 28 so ive been around for quite a few games. now onto the campaign. this campaign is not near any of the epicness of mw2 campaign which in my opinion is the best fps campaign of all time. yes there are some thrilling moments, especcially one involving you protecting a president on his airplane and then makarov makes a bamf premiere into the game at the end of that level. but its just not as exciting and doesnt suck you in. yes there may be alot of memorable moments such as a major character death but this does not mean its fun. bottomline is mw3 steps it up alot over mw2 but does not over do the more than welcomed black ops of last year. point for treyarch!