i was excited about MW3 only to learn that the game is THE SAME game you have been playing for the past 6 years.
User Rating: 2.5 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 X360
Have you ever played black ops, modern warfare 1, modern warfare 2, world at war, the you have played MW3 only all those versions are better alternatives. dont listen to the call of duty fan boys, i have been a long time fan of call of duty i have played every single one and this one is a total letdown. to sum it up the game is any other call of duty only they removed many, many things. to start they no longer have zombies, sure they have survival mode but even online falshgames have a survival mode, 2. they removed game modes, they might have added 2 game modes but that doesnt make up for the fact that they took away like 7, 3. there is less overall content, less weapons, weapon camos, weapon addons, perks, no playercards like black ops had, less spec ops missions, a short 5 hour campagin, they even took out the option to dive. oh well maybe you think that the fun multiplayer should make up for that, but it doent. Call of Duty's multiplayer is a frusterating mess. the maps are terrible and unbalanced, the game modes are bland and boring, and not to mention that within and hour of having this game on the day it came out there were already modders. Overall MW3 is a terrible game working off the title that has made it so much money. well save your money and if your like me never buy an infinity ward game again.