Pretty much MW2, repackaged with new perk names a solid campaign and bad online. Fanboys will hate this review. Oh well
You jump between characters in the campaign like previous games. You now play in London, Paris, New York , Russia etc. Pretty much everything is standard in this game. There are the set pieces and over the top action sequences where your character survives death defying explosions and falls, again and again. This gets used too much and has you feel like "how do these guys survive such an explosion or a fall, not just one but also in the next mission as well" It just gets a little much, all in all the Campaign is fun and last about 6 hours or so.
Special Ops is back and still fun, same as MW2
Online however suffers lag, even with a 4 bar connection, and is already being exploited by h0mos. The maps all seem to be tailor-made for camping, as far as I know there are no small chaotic maps like Rust in MW2. There is a new mode called Kill Confirmed where you collect a victims dog tag to have the kill actually count. Sounds interesting but people are just camping on the dog tags and waiting for another player to pick it up so they can pick them off. The hit detection isn't very good, once again you can get head-shots by shooting someone in the stomach and you still somehow get killed around corners. Sometimes when you shoot someone in a window you can hit them in the head and get "hit-marks" but not actually kill them, meaning that the head-shots are just completely random and inconsistent. People still quickscope and run around with sniper rifles like they are assault rifles.
All in all this game is not worth $65. Luckily I got mine for $20 so its not that big of a loss. I just want a FPS without "perks" killstreaks" and excessive camping and cheesing, I want an FPS that requires actual SKILL to be good at it. This game has no innovation and milks the same pops.
Essentially Call of Duty has become that of a yearly Sports game, new look (somewhat), new polish, not much new features, same $65 pricetag. This game is starting to get old and dull, it needs something new to justify people buying it yearly.