Ok.listen all you bf3 fanboys,stop writing badreviews on this game like copy and paste. half of you have never played it

User Rating: 9.5 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 X360
Now for the review. this game is the best in the seires and i know, haters are gonna hate, but bare with me. bf3 sucks and this is superior. you know what i mean? this game has new guns, new perks, new modes, new maps, ect. sure, the graphics look the same. that doesnt mean its all the same. a guy said to me the other day, MW3 is a game i thought it was a 60 dollar expansion, because thats basiccally what it is. well its not. that made me want to punch that guy in the face. so there you have it. also i played bf3 and its not even nearly as good as this is. this is one of the most addictive games i have ever played. the ump45 is still overpowered but idgaf. So there you have it. yes you can say im a fanyboy.i wont care, hell, ill actually say thank you. but bf3 will never be as good as mw3. this is the best cod i have ever played and battlefield can suck it.