This game is awesome but it can't be the perfect one.
Single Player 9.8/10
I really like the Single player! The Campaign is awesome! It is so realistic and fun! The graphics are really good,it doesn't lag (at least for me) and the sound rules. Anyways the Campaign is too short. It took me 5hrs 30 mins to complete it on hard. The MW2 Campaign was better.
Multiplayer N/A
I haven't tested it yet.
Spec Ops 10/10
This is the best feature ever! I like how you can complete missions on Single,but also you can complete missions on Multiplayer! Also the Survival feature rules,especially when you play it on Multiplayer! It isn't too easy,but it isn't enough hard to annoy you!
Weapons 5/10
The weapons are very realistic,but I didn't see ONE... ONE new weapon. They're all the same as MW2 and BO.
Attachments 10/10
No new attachments,but they still rule. I liked the Hybrid Sight one. :)
Overall 8.5/10
This game is awesome and deserves its 8.5! I had a rage quit when Soap died... On the last mission I totally PWNED Makarov... Anyways there are still some slight things they can do better.